FORTITUDE ~ ‘Overdue’ Blend




For the woman riding the tidal wave of emotions throughout each hour and day she waits for her baby to initiate labor. Feeling outside pressure and the pressure on herself to make the right decisions when it comes to birthing her baby. 

You may feel alone and no one understands the depths of despair that rise up ~ bring the vibration of FORTITUDE into your energy ~ strength of mind enabling you to encounter challenges or adversity with courage.

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This blend is so close to my heart ~ I use the word ‘overdue’ so those who need this blend will find it but an estimated due date is just that, an estimate. I see you, I feel you, It is so hard.


Remedy Declaration Guide:

    • I am safe in my body, my baby is safe in my body.
    • My baby knows the right time to come. I trust my baby, I trust my body.
    • I dive deep into my womb to find the trust my baby feels in this journey - my baby knows nothing but trust and love.
    • I take time and care to know what are my own feelings and beliefs and what are others


FORTITUDE ~ 'Overdue' Blend is a combination of the below flower essences:


Releases  Enhances
Banksia Robur Disheartened, Frustrated Enjoyment of life, Enthusiasm, Interest in life
Bottlebrush Overwhelmed by major life changes Serenity and calm, Ability to cope
Crowea A sense of being not quite right Peace, calm & balance, Clarity of feelings
Red Grevillea Feeling stuck, Reliant on others, Oversensitive Boldness, Indifference to the judgment of others
She Oak Female emotional imbalance Emotionally open to conceive, Female emotional balance
Tall Mulla Mulla Fearful of mixing with others, Avoids confrontation Feeling relaxed with others, Encourages interaction
Waratah Inability to respond Courage, Tenacity, Adaptability


Product Information & Dosage: Each 30ml Flower Remedy bottle contains the flower essence blend & is filled with 1/3 organic brandy (functions as a preservative) and 2/3 purified water. Seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for 14 days alongside your House of She Remedy Ritual More details on this and a “Guided Grounding” link are provided with your purchase to support you.