BLOOM ~ Pregnancy Blend


Allow the conscious connection and expansive possibilities when carrying a soul within your womb to BLOOM.

During pregnancy our body, mind, spirit and aura all expand and become more open ~ which brings a light and/or a darkness with it. This remedy has the potential to shift feeling unsafe, uncertain or fearful through connection and awareness.

5 in stock


Remedy Declaration Guide

  • I am safe in my body, my baby is safe in my body
  • I am deeply connected to this experience, I am deeply connected to the spirit within me and I bring that into my awareness daily
  • I am deeply connected to this experience, I expand my mind and see the universe within the baby in my womb
  • I take time and care to know what are my own feelings and beliefs and what are others


BLOOM ~ Pregnancy Blend is a combination of the below flower essences:


Releases  Enhances
Bottlebrush Overwhelmed by major life changes Serenity and calm, Ability to cope
Crowea A sense of being not quite right Peace, calm & balance, Clarity of feelings
She Oak Female emotional imbalance Emotionally open to conceive, Female emotional balance
Sturt Desert Pea Sorrows Letting go, Triggers healthy grieving
Sunshine Wattle Stuck in the past, Expectations of a grim future Optimism, Acceptance, Open to a bright future


Product Information & Dosage: Each 30ml Flower Remedy bottle contains the flower essence blend & is filled with 1/3 organic brandy (functions as a preservative) and 2/3 purified water. Seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for 14 days alongside your House of She Remedy Ritual More details on this and a “Guided Grounding” link are provided with your purchase to support you.